SCW Apocalypse 2020



September 12th, 2020

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Off Camera



Pristine luxury and the finer things of life never have been something Clyde Sutter particularly enjoyed.  He grew up in an orphanage where no one cared about him or cared for him, until he ran away and lived off the streets doing anything and everything just to survive.  It wasn’t much of a living but it was all he knew.  Even when Clyde Sutter became “The Assassin” and was signed to a prestigious wrestling contract thanks to his agent, Mason Van Stanton, a man who lavished Sutter with so much wealth, prestigious, and gifts that you couldn’t even number it, even then after receiving these gifts from Van Stanton Sutter still never could get used to the lap of luxury.


Yet here he sits on the balcony of his prestigious luxury hotel suite, a room that his agent set him up in for their stay in Vancouver for the SCW Apocalypse pay per view event.  Sutter can only guess at his agent’s motives.  Perhaps Mason wants to soften him up so that Sutter is more easily manipulated?  Or maybe Mason wants to change Sutter, make him more like Van Stanton?  Or maybe, just maybe, Mason is trying to be kind the best way he knows how?


Whatever the motivation may be does not matter to The Assassin.  In fact, very little matters to Sutter right now.  You would think that he would be in an angry rage set on destroying anyone and everyone who got in his path at Apocalypse.  He is taking part in a ten person tag and it is a prime opportunity to take out some of his frustrations, namely his failure to win at Rise To Greatness and then his failure to dethrone Blake Mason for the SCW Television Championship.  You would think that Sutter would be angry and eagerly anticipating this opportunity to wreak havoc and remind everyone in SCW that he is still the new executioner.


This is not the case.  Based on the far away, distant look on the face of The Assassin you would question whether this angry bald individual has anything going on in his head at all at this moment in time.  It turns out quite a bit is going on through his mind right now.  I mean, it isn’t every day that you find out that you have a long lost sibling.  That’s right, Clyde Sutter has a sister and her name is Lilith Sutter, the woman who had been seemingly stalking Sutter these past few months.


It all began as a quest to discover his background, his identity, the history of who he was and where he came from.  For the longest time Sutter never cared to know who he was.  All he knew was someone never gave a damn about him and the evidence of that was the fact that he was dropped off at some orphanage after being born.  If society didn’t want anything to do with Sutter then Sutter didn’t want anything to do with society.  This drove his anger and rage throughout his entire career.  But upon the encouragement of Mason Van Stanton and his psychiatrist Clyde Sutter did some research and discovered he was the son of Ethan Sutter, a wild cult leader in Southampton.


The Christ Conquest Movement took on the charismatic Ethan as its leader, who would later be renamed Constatine.  What happened then is anyone’s guess but Clyde does know that he apparently fathered two children; himself and his sister Lilith.  And eventually The Christ Conquest Movement would all but die out and, according to Lilith, are seeking out new leadership and they are looking to Sutter for that leadership.


This revelation changes things for Sutter.  For the first time in his life someone actually wants him for himself.  Sure, one could argue that Mason Van Stanton wanted him as a client and gave him an opportunity but Sutter is no dummy.  Mason gave Clyde the opportunity simply to stick it to Glory Braddock, Mason’s arch rival.  Lilith and whoever else remains from CCM seems to want Clyde for who he is, and not what he can do for them.


Is his anger and rage still there?  Definitely.  But for the first time in his life it seems to be subsiding just a little.  A life that was once full of darkness seems to have a glimmer of hope and light.  Now the question is, what does Sutter do with that light and that hope?


“This is fucking bullshit…” The Assassin mutters under his breath.  It isn’t out of anger, though.  Mainly he still finds it difficult to believe that he does have a sister.  He finds it hard to believe that this woman, this Lilith, just so happens to be his blood.  Then again, is she really his family?  If she is telling the truth then she is his only connection to the past and she has the answers he wants.  But if she is lying..


“Clyde, my boy!” This is the overly jovial voice of his agent, Mason Van Stanton.  Sutter growls in a low tone.  He was not expecting nor did he want a visit from Van Stanton right now.  But he hears the sliding glass door that leads to the balcony opening up.  Sutter turns and watches as Van Stanton steps out onto the balcony.  “There you are!”




“Enjoying the view, I take it?” Van Stanton asks, gazing out at the Vancouver skyline.  Sutter grunts.


“I guess.”


“Well I am certainly glad you are at least attempting to enjoy yourself, Mr. Sutter; this is a big change from your typical self.  These anger management sessions have helped.”


“You could say that.”


“See, what did I tell you.” Mason smirks confidently, approaching Sutter and patting him on the shoulder. “Listen to me and do as I say and we can go places, Mr. Sutter.”


“Not sure where exactly I’m going.  I lost at Rise To Greatness, I couldn’t beat that punk Blake Mason to win the TV title, and now I’m just filler in some fucking bullshit ten person tag at Apocalypse?!”


Sutter’s voice is growing slightly louder as his anger starts to build but he is still controlling it.  Van Stanton nods his head, admitting to Sutter’s slight missteps recently. “But you are on the card.  You are on the show.  And why is that?  Because Sasha and the rest of SCW look at you and they see gold.  They see money when they look at you.  And as arrogant as it may sound, part of that is my doing.  I have been going to bat for you and I have been arranging a great many public appearances on your behalf, so you can talk to the media about SCW, about yourself, and about your own personal story.”


The Assassin shakes his head. “None of them want to know my damn story.”


“That isn’t true.  Trust me, Clyde, I…”


“Do you even know who the hell I am?!” Sutter exclaims loudly, shouting at his agent with rage filled eyes. Yet even now he is still in control, even if Mason doesn’t believe him to be. “Thing is, Mason, I do know who I am.  Or at least I got most of the details now.  And that’s why not a damn one of them want to know me…”


“I don’t understand…” Mason’s voice trails off.  Sutter just chuckles sarcastically.


“Yeah, that’s because you’re too damn busy looking at me and seeing dollar signs.  You look at me and you see a cash cow.  What you should see when ya look at me is the son of a fucking lunatic cult leader, because that’s who I am.  Did ya know that, Van Stanton or did ya even care?  Also here’s another funny little thing for ya to process, that chick that called me in Minneapolis.  You remember her?”


“Uh-huh…I told you to get rid of her, to forget about her.” Van Stanton furrows his brow. “I hope you followed my advice.”


Sutter smirks knowingly. “Nah, I couldn’t.”


“Why not?”


“It’s kinda hard to forget about your own sister.”


“My God…” Mason’s voice trails off.


“Now do ya see what I mean when I said none of them would want to know the real Clyde Sutter?  You had me go out on this wild goose chase to find out who I am and I did.  Now I got the answers but are ya really sure you want those answers?  Or do ya think it’s best to stick to the made up version of Clyde Sutter?  Do ya want me to stick to the made-for-tv version of Clyde Sutter that you think will make you some money?  I don’t think the monster offspring of a cult whack job is gonna make you money, Van Stanton.”


The Assassin turns and walks back into the room, exiting the balcony.  Mason follows his client inside. “So what about this woman?  What’s her name?”


“What do you care?”


“What is her name?”


“Lilith.” Sutter answers, sitting down in a nearby chair.  Mason continues to pace the floor.


“Do you intend to make further contact with her?”


“She’s my sister ya dumbass!”


“Just answer the question, Mr. Sutter.”


“Yes…” Sutter sighs and shakes his head “...well, maybe not.”


“Which is it?” Mason asks.


“Honestly, I don’t know.  I mean, I have no fucking clue if this woman is being honest or if she’s just full of shit.  But what she has told me all seems to match up with the facts that I do know.  So why wouldn’t she be telling the truth about being my sister?”


“What does she want with you?”


“Use common sense, Van Stanton.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what she wants.”


Mason sighs and nods his head. “Fair enough.  As difficult as it may be, especially after just finding out about her, I would suggest that it is best to forget about her.”


“Now that is rich.” Sutter smirks. “I never even knew I had a sister until recently and now ya want me to forget she even existed.”


“It’s for the best.  First of all, she may be lying, have you considered that?”




“But even if she is telling the truth, do you really want to be a part of her life?  Do you really want to immerse yourself into a cult?  Look at her life, the life she offers you, and the life I am offering you.  What do you want, Sutter?”


Clyde pauses to consider his agent’s question. The life Lilith offers is one with the answers he seeks but it is also a mysterious life, one he would be diving headfirst into without knowing what to expect.  Van Stanton’s world is one that Sutter may not particularly care for but he is used to it and it is safer, more profitable.  The Assassin shrugs his shoulders.


“I don’t know.”


“Excuse me?”


“Ya heard me, Mason.  I said I don’t know.”


“You would actually entertain her insanity over this?!”


“She is my blood.”


“She MAY be your blood.” Van Stanton shakes his head. “I can’t believe this.”


“Look, I really don’t know what I want yet, ok?  Just give me some more time to think it over and I’ll get back to you.  Good?”


“Take all the time you need, Van Stanton.  Just make sure you make the right decision.”



Mason Van Stanton

On Camera



One thing I have always told my clients in the past, the same thing I tell “The Assassin” Clyde Sutter to this very day, is that not only is this professional wrestling business ruthless and cutthroat, not only is it unforgiving, but it is also NOT a sprint.  Do not go in expecting immediate success and superstardom.


That being said, I do find it disappointing that Sasha cannot dig down in that thick skull of hers to figure out some better competition for Mr. Sutter; I mean, seriously, where did she learn to book a damn wrestling card?  The Rise To Greatness show stealer was ready and packaged for her with a nice bow tie; Xander Valentine versus Clyde Sutter.  You SHOULD have booked that one on one and then you would have witnessed The Assassin, the one TRUE Executioner, excellently execute Xander Valentine and embarrass him on the grandest stage of them all.


Instead she threw a whole bunch of extra idiots in that match, a bunch of rejects who did belong in this match with Mr. Sutter.  Now does The Assassin mind the opportunity to hurt extra people?  Oh no, he’ll happily beat another man half to death.  So Sasha’s piss poor booking may not have bothered him but they sure as hell bothered me.  SCW has a diamond in its possession and they wasted him in a clusterfuck.


Now here we go again, Apocalypse, and Mr. Sutter is once more just filler for a multi-person match.  Am I pleased with this?  No, I am not.  Is Mr. Sutter pleased with this?  He doesn’t really care, to be perfectly honest.  He is just happy to get to hurt someone, anyone, and that someone could even be on his own damn team.


Sutter has only one tag team partner...himself…


Sutter is loyal to only one person...himself...hell, he isn’t even truly loyal to me!  You would not imagine how hard it is to keep The Assassin from critically injuring his enemies because if he was truly unleashed then there would be bodies strewn about everywhere.  And my oh my, isn’t that what an Apocalypse is all about?


If Apocalypse is what SCW wants, if Apocalypse is what Sasha wants, then Apocalypse is what each and every one of you will get.  The Assassin is going to be unleashed in Vancouver.  That means I’m not calling off the dogs, I am not going to even to attempt to control him.  But then again, can anyone truly control a force of nature?  And that is what nine other competitors will have to deal with at Apocalypse; a walking force of nature.


Yes, I did say NINE other competitors...because it may be a ten person tag, and my Assassin may have four tag team partners, but am I going to stand here and guarantee their safety?  Am I going to promise that Mr. Sutter will be a good team player? I am no liar and I will not lie and I will not make promises I cannot keep.


One promise I can keep is that The Assassin will be at Apocalypse and he is bringing hell with him.  Anyone who gets in his way will pay the price.

